Remote Education
Universal Remote Education
If an event takes place which means children can't be in school, we provide work for them. The work set is dependent on the age, ability and needs of the child or children who are not in school. For full details about what parents and carers can expect from us in terms of remote education, please see the document: Withinfields' Remote Education Explained. The member of staff responsible for leading Remote Education is Mrs Helen York.
Parents and carers of Early Years' children will be able to access short videos and teaching ideas on Class Story within ClassDojo. If you do not have a login to this for your Nursery or Reception child, please contact school or your child's classteacher. The content posted on ClassDojo will also be complemented by a pack of resources which can be collected from school or can be scanned and emailed to parents and carers. We encourage lots of practical activities for children in these year groups and lots of play-based and child-initiated activities following their own interests. This is in line with the curriculum that your child would follow if they were in school.
Parents and carers of children in Years 1 to 6 will be able to access recorded lessons, assignments and material on Google Classroom. If your child does not know their Google Classroom login, please contact the school or your child's classteacher. The content can be completed on Google Classroom for some tasks but we also produce a pack of resources for each child which can be collected from school or can be scanned and emailed to parents and carers. This is to allow children time during their remote education to focus on their presentation as well as enabling them to take a 'screen break'.
Additional Remote Education Resources
In addition to the Universal Remote Education, there are also a number of resources that the school signpost parents and carers to should they need additional learning opportunities for their child. Some of these are pertinent to particular year groups while others hold resources that can be utilised by different ages.
For all ages: - The BBC broadcast a variety of programmes daily for children of all ages. - Oak National Academy are resources written by a group of teachers backed by government funding to support home learning at this time. Please follow the link and click on the age group appropriate to your child to access the resources. Feel free to access any resources that your child shows an interest in or that you feel would benefit them. There are also specialist resources to support children with specific or special educational needs. If you would like some ideas of areas of the curriculum that your child would benefit from extra practice in, please contact your child's classteacher and they will be happy to support you.
Eureka! Children's museum - Eureka! Children's Museum regularly update their site with new activities for primary aged children. Keep popping back to see what's new.
For children in Y2 to Y6: - Children have a login to TTRockstars to practise their times tables. If you need your child's login details, please contact their classteacher.
For children in Reception and Y1: - Children have a login to Numbots to practise their early number skills in a game situation. If you need your child's login details, please contact their classteacher.
Special resources:
We also have subscriptions to specific resources to support the needs of some of our children with Special Educational Needs. If we are able to offer access to these at home for the purposes of remote education, we will contact the relevant parents individually to provide information about how to download apps and login etc.