In this section, you will find:
- Homework policy
- Teaching Learning and Assessment policy
- Free School Meals Application Form
- School Uniform Policy November 22
- Health and Safety Policy February 2023
- Complaints Policy including unreasonable and serial complaints
- Sex Education Policy - 2023
- Term Dates 2024-2025
- Behaviour policy March 23
- Term Dates 2025-2026
- SEND Information report - Sep 24
- 23-24 Pupil Premium Impact Statement
- DATES TO PARENTS 2024-2025
- Anti-bullying policy - Reviewed November 2024
- Charging and Remissions policy - Jan 2025
- 2024-2027 Pupil Premium Strategy
- Pupil Premium and Service Premium Policy - reviewed Jan 2025
- SEND Policy - Jan 25
- Early Years Admissions Policy January 2025
- Data Protection policy - January 2025
- Pupil Premium and Service Premium Policy - Jan 2025
- Attendance of pupils policy - Nov 24
- Medical Needs Policy Feb 2025
- Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding 2024-2025
Important Dates
The Term Dates are found below. We ask parents to avoid taking their children out of school for holidays at times other than during school holidays.
The following document details the key dates that parents and carers may need to be aware of for the current academic year.
Our School Day
Most of our days follow a similar pattern as detailed below.
Nursery |
Reception |
Y1-2 |
Y3-4 |
Y5-6 |
Playground gates open |
8.30am |
8.30am |
8.30am |
8.30am |
8.30am |
Cloakroom doors open |
8.35am |
8.35am |
8.35am |
8.35am |
8.35am |
Registers taken |
8.40am |
8.40am |
8.40am |
8.40am |
8.40am |
Assembly |
N/A |
8.45am |
8.45am |
8.45am |
8.45am |
Lesson 1 |
N/A |
9am |
9am |
9am |
9am |
Lesson 2 |
N/A |
N/A |
9.45am |
9.45am |
9.45am |
Playtime |
N/A |
N/A |
10.30am |
10.30am |
10.30am |
Lesson 3 |
N/A |
N/A |
10.45am |
10.45am |
10.45am |
Lunchtime |
11.30am |
11.45am |
12noon |
12.10pm |
12.20pm |
Afternoon session |
12 noon |
12.45pm |
12.45pm |
12.55pm |
1.05pm |
End of the day |
3.10pm |
3.10pm |
3.10pm |
3.10pm |
3.10pm |
Total Time per week |
30 hours |
32.5 hours |
32.5 hours |
32.5 hours |
32.5 hours |
Parents are invited to attend our Good News Assembly on Fridays at 9am if their child is being presented with a certificate. Although there is no timetabled afternoon break on any day, classes take part in an activity session during the afternoon which contributes to our character education as well as being a physically active session. Although the end of the day for Reception is 3.10pm, the Reception classroom doors are opened at 3pm so that parents collecting from different classrooms can collect their Reception child early then move around to other classroom doors.
Behaviour Policies
We have a well-established reward and behaviour system in place. Children receive Dojo points for positive learning behaviours which result in bronze, silver and gold badges or platinum wristbands. We encourage positive behaviour expectations but, on occasions, we recognise that children make mistakes. Where children display behaviours which do not match our core values, they receive a consequence which includes time for them to reflect on their behaviour and make amends where possible.
For more information, please see our Behaviour policy.
Although bullying is rare, when it does become apparent that it is happening, we take it very seriously. We work with the families of the perpetrators and victims to ensure that it is resolved quickly.
For more information, please see our Anti-bullying policy.
School Uniform
It is important to us that children are proud of being a Withinfields' pupil and this is helped by them wearing our school uniform with pride. We expect all our children from Reception to Year 6 to wear correct school uniform. Although it is not compulsory in Nursery, we encourage our Nursery children to wear the uniform so that they feel an integral part of our school community.
Our uniform consists of:
Grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore/skort/culottes
White or navy polo shirt (with or without logo)
Navy jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo) or a plain, navy hoodie with a school logo
Plain black shoes or trainers (suitable for playing out in)
Grey tights or grey, white or black socks
During the Summer term, a blue and white striped or checked summer dress can be worn.
Each child should also have a PE kit comprising of:
Plain navy or black shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings
Plain white t-shirt or a white t-shirt with the logo on
Plain navy sweatshirt or hoodie or navy sweatshirt or hoodie with the school logo on
Pumps or trainers
For further details about uniform, please see the School Uniform policy.
At various points during the year, the school holds 'Swap shops' where parents can donate out-grown uniform and take new-to-you uniform. We ask any family who is able to make a small donation for any items that they take. We are also able to provide parcels of second-hand uniform for any family in financial difficulty. Parents should request these through the office or via one of the Parent Liaison Officers. The YMCA in Halifax also provides free uniform, shoes or coats for any family in need of this service.
Our school uniform is sold online at (a local supplier who will either deliver your order or arrange for you to collect directly from them) and at
Our school uniform can be bought directly from Shaw Hardcastle which is situated in Halifax town centre.
Charging and Remissions Policy
Most of our provision is clearly free of charge however, in some circumstances, we do charge for additional or optional services. Please see our Charging and Remissions policy for further details of these.
Complaints Procedure
We are always willing to communicate with parents and listen to parents' views. If a parent ever feels though that they need to make a formal complaint, the complaints procedure is detailed here.
Pupil Premium & Service Premium funding
Pupil Premium Information
We receive Pupil Premium funding to support those children that have been eligible for Free School Meals for at least one day in the last 6 years. Once a child is eligible for Pupil Premium funding, they remain eligible for the next 6 years. The school receives £1480 per year for each child eligible for Pupil Premium funding. This means that if a child is eligible for pupil premium funding in Reception, they would attract nearly £9000 for the school over their journey through the school. This is in addition to the money that the school receives to pay for the meals that they must provide free. Pupil Premium funding can be used to support your child with their education. If you think your child might be eligible for free school meals, even if your child brings a packed lunch, please let us know so that we can support you with an application and bring this additional funding into the school.
For information about our Pupil Premium provision, how we spent our Pupil Premium funding last year and how we intend to spend it this year, please follow these links.
Pupil Premium and Service Premium Policy
Pupil Premium and Recovery Strategy
PE & Sports Premium Funding
Primary PE and Sports Premium
We receive additional funding to support the development of PE and sporting activities within school. We aim to ensure that this funding benefits as many of our children as possible to create active and healthy children.
For information about how we spent our PE and Sports Premium funding over the last few years and how we intend to spend it this year, please follow these links.
Current PE and Sports Premium plan
Latest review of PE and Sports Premium plan
Admission Arrangements
Our Published Admission Number is 60 which means that we can accept up to 60 children into each year group in school.
Admissions to Reception in 2025
If you are considering Withinfields as your chosen school, you are encouraged to visit the school to meet with the headteacher and experience first hand the ethos and organisation of our school. We are happy to offer visits on an individual basis as we value the importance of being able to spend time getting to know you and your child.
Our admissions into Reception are organised by Calderdale Council. If you live within the Calderdale area, please visit Calderdale's admissions website where you can complete your application. If you live outside the Calderdale area, please visit your own council's admissions website to complete your application. You can still name our school within your application and your council will liaise with Calderdale when places are allocated.
Applications for September 2025 closed on 15th January 2025. Late applications are still accepted but should be submitted as a late application. Each Local Authority informs parents and carers of the school that their child has been offered on 16th April 2025.
If a parent wishes to have their child considered for admission to a year group outside their normal age group, they should follow this link and look for the information about 'Admission of children outside their normal age group'.
Admissions into school at other times
If you are interested in moving your child to our school, please contact the school office so that an appointment can be made for you to look around the school and meet with the head teacher. An application then needs to be made via the Local Authority using the In-year application process. Further information about this can be found at: Calderdale In-year applications.
Admissions to Nursery
If you are interested in a place in our Nursery for your child, we take children from the start of the term after they are 3 years old. E.g. If your child is 3 prior to 31st August, they may start in September and if they become 3 before 31st December, they may be able to start in January if we have spaces available. Similarly, if your child becomes 3 before 31st March, they may be invited to start in the Summer term. Please contact the school for information about whether we are likely to be taking a January or April intake this year.
We offer the universal 15 hours where we have availability and can also accommodate up to 30 hours free childcare for those working parents eligible for this. We are also able to offer paid sessions for parents who wish to book these. As well as our Nursery class, we can also offer provision in our before and after school club to Nursery children meaning that we can offer flexible child care from 7.30am to 5.55pm each day during term time.
We accept application forms at any time for any intake date but we set deadlines for the next intake. The deadline for our September 2025 intake is 23rd April 2025. We will still accept applications after this date but the child will be allocated a place after those applications received before the deadline. The Nursery application form can be completed online here.
Parents should be aware that having a place in our Nursery class does not mean that they will automatically be allocated a place in our Reception. Parents should still apply for a Reception place as described above. It is also parents' responsibility to update their details should they change once they have completed a form expressing that they would like a place for their child in our Nursery.
For further information, please see our Admissions Policy.
General Data Protection Regulations
We take seriously our responsibility for the protection of any data which the school holds about individuals. Please see the following bank of resources which outlines our procedures for GDPR.
Privacy notice for parents, carers and pupils
Dinner Arrangements
We are fortunate to have our own school kitchen on site which provides a variety of school meal options each day. The menu is printed on the weekly newsletters for the following week so that parents can decide with their children what they may like to choose. School dinners cost £2.50 a day unless the child is eligible for Free School Meals. The meal options include two different hot options (including one which is vegetarian) served with sides and vegetables, a jacket potato and filling or a sandwich. A salad bar is available every day for children to access. There is also a variety of desserts available each day for the children to choose from.
Universal Infant Free School Meals
The Government funds a free school meal for every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 which is known as Universal Infant Free School Meals. Parents do not need to do anything to claim these.
Benefits Related Free School Meals
A child of any age may be eligible for Benefits Related Free School Meals if their parent or carer is eligible for particular benefits. The application form needs completing which can be found here. If you need a paper copy of the form, please contact the school office and we will be able to provide one. It is important that parents apply for Benefits Related Free School Meals if they are eligible even if their child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 as it also means that the school receives additional funding called Pupil Premium funding to support the child in school e.g. to fund additional 1:1 support, to pay for clubs, to pay for Get Set Go, to fund workshops and trips including part funding the residential in Y5.
Financial information
The school works hard to ensure that any funding and financial support that it receives is used with the children's interests at the forefront of any decision-making. We prioritise funds to staff working directly with the children and manage the budget so that class sizes can remain small. We are obliged to publish information of any members of staff who earn more than £100 000. We do not have any members of staff earning this amount.
For further information about how our financial position compares to others schools, follow this link.